
Minor setback

My apartment was burglarized last night for the second time in six weeks, so I'll likely be preoccupied with terminating my lease and moving someplace where I don't have to worry about what robbers are going to take next and when that might happen.

They didn't get everything this time (they got "only" my laptop last time as I believe I interrupted them) but they got a lot: the Wii and all the Wii stuff; the DS + games; the roommate's PS2 + games; and all the DVDs I had EXCEPT for my "Sex In The City" DVDs (not big Sarah Jessica Parker fans, I guess). Basically, pretty much all my toys are gone. Boo.

In the end, it really is just stuff, and it could have been a lot worse. But I'm still glad I decided NOT to leave the brand new MacBook Pro at home that day.

Hope you and yours are safe and sound. I remain excited about the possibilities of this blog, so I hope to get back to it soon.


An introduction

I'm not sure why I haven't put together a blog before, but after looking through quite a few of them this weekend (searching for inspiration on a current project), I decided to jump right in.

My intentions for this blog are simple: To share my print design plights and accomplishments in a manner encouraging objective and constructive criticism, which I hope will fuel my own creativity.

It's pretty late, and I should be fast asleep, so I'll simply point you toward my portfolio at newspagedesigner.com for those of you curious to know more about what I do.

Thanks for playing.