A few weeks ago, I was called on to help coordinate a special section for all of LANG — a Financial Survival Guide. Although it represents some very long hours over relatively few days, I'm very pleased with the results, both in its content and it's look.
The concept spiraled off of our "DON'T PANIC" centerpiece, hence the tie-in headline on the double-truck. Designed to be solution-oriented, the guide is stacked with Q&As, definitions, tip lists and the like. The goal was to provide quick and immediate answers to a range of economic topics: from banks and the bailouts to navigating the turbulent mortgage climate to taking the temperature of the region's job climate.
The overall look was simple by design. The turn-around on the project itself was a little crazy, but we definitely wanted it out there before Election Day. No cutouts. No type treatments. Just straight-forward styles, a touch of color here and there.
I especially love the cover shot, which came about after handing the piggy bank to a reporter, who happened to have decent looking hands, AND he was wearing a nice shirt and tie. He instinctively held it like a football. We ran with it. (The cover shot we had originally intended ended up as the double-truck, and works nicely there anyway.)
The section appears in today's editions. I hope it will be as well-received by our readers as it has been among our editors and advertisers. And I hope it helps.